My waning professional life focused on science administration and
communication as per this summary and these posts
on Science.gc.ca
on Science.gc.ca
But I created this Blog in 2012 to document my quest to live a more
humorous life - and share stuff on Canadian humour writing. The URL tries to evoke “a year of reading humour” in the
style of "Annus Mirabilis" and "Annus Horribilis." My first
attempt at a blog name, "Anus Humorous", drew unfortunate associations. "Canus Humorous" has a nicer ring and might make
you think of Canadian humour.
These are all great imaginary reasons for choosing this blog name,
but really, when I learned that “canus” is Latin for “grey-haired and aging,”
that sealed it.
With this stuff, I want to promote
With this stuff, I want to promote
Canadian Humour Writing
Humorous Thinking
by indulging in more funny thoughts, stuff, things and ideas with potential to become things (see "Stubbornstuff" Columns); and
And a Sense of Humour
while still reading government memos, briefing notes, and policies as my paying gig (see summary bio above and this thing) .
For a free review copy of the Book "What's so Funny?"
Contact: canushumorous@gmail.com