the humour under your nose
I wish it weren’t so.
He seems like an interesting and friendly guy. But if Terry got to know me, he’d probably see me as an irritating evil twin to be avoided. He already has a twin, whom he likes and looks like, and probably doesn’t need an older one.
He seems like an interesting and friendly guy. But if Terry got to know me, he’d probably see me as an irritating evil twin to be avoided. He already has a twin, whom he likes and looks like, and probably doesn’t need an older one.
My resumé looks like a cracked
reflection of his. As an engineering student at McMaster, Fallis got involved
in campus politics and fell in love with words. Just down the road in Guelph,
my math studies had been disrupted by politics and campus radio.
In the 1980s, when Fallis haunted
Liberal backrooms, I toiled as a Conservative Party drone. He supported Jean
Chrétien’s first leadership bid in 1984, the year after I devoted hours to the
Mulroney leadership campaign. We then worked on opposing sides in testy
elections. He once scurried around as an aide to a Liberal cabinet minister; I
did the same thing a few years later for the Conservatives.
He founded a public relations company
with the accounting-firm-style name Thornley Fallis; I had a PR business that
specialized in clown-delivered balloon-a-grams and operated under the name Hot
Air from Ottawa. He moved away and now mocks the government city, which has
been my home for over thirty years. I look forward to our first formal
Actually, Fallis is probably not
inclined to loathe too many people. He sounds, in his public comments, like one
of those “progressive and enlightened” Canadians who is all about “tolerance
and acceptance”--you know, the way Liberals like to think of themselves.
He might even count me among those
whom he hoped to amuse when he podcasted and self-published his first novel, The Best Laid Plans, the 2008 Leacock
Medal winner. For those of us who’ve spent time bumping around the buildings
between Wellington Street and the Ottawa River, the book was a kind of obvious
chronicling of all the facts of political life.
It documents the talk that can be overheard any day of the week in bars and boardrooms around Ottawa, but in an engaging story.
It documents the talk that can be overheard any day of the week in bars and boardrooms around Ottawa, but in an engaging story.
Everyone in politics has fantasized
that a reluctant maverick might come from behind to take another party’s
stronghold or that their opponent’s star might get caught in an awkward,
vote-crushing scandal on election eve. These have been the damp dreams of
Canadian political hacks since Confederation was consummated.
But the dream is more often
nightmarish--the tug of war between what Fallis calls “the cynical political
operators” and “the idealist policy wonks” that plague every party from the
roots to the crown; the problems with polls; the theatre of Question Period;
toeing the party line against all reason; the incest and dirty dancing of
politicians, journalists, and pundits; and the partisanship that transcends
even the inanity of ideology and policy in its destructiveness.
It can get really, really bad and begs a
lampoon. So, if it was right under our noses, why didn’t someone write a book
like this before?
Well, some tried, but PR-savvy Terry
Fallis succeeded in communicating it more effectively than others by stringing
all those oddities together in a readable narrative--a real story with a
beginning and an end and other parts.
The Best
Laid Plans has both a Terry Fallis-like protagonist, Daniel Addison, and a
hero, future MP Angus McLintock. Unfortunately, many early reviews and even
some publisher promotions presented the book as a simple story about Addison’s
adventures as the suffering aide of a wild, incompetent goofball. Yet Angus
clearly embodies Terry’s idea of a great politician and the ideal boss: quirky,
but thoughtful, inspiring, and full of integrity.

“Everybody in Ottawa thinks they are
in that book,” Leacock scholar, author, and fellow Ottawa-resident David
Staines said when I told him my story.
You certainly don’t have to be
associated with politics to recognize Ottawa in The Best Laid Plans. Despite the emphasis on stereotype and
political cliché, this book, like King
Leary, also treats Ottawa like a place in which real people live, and this
appeals to people who are not always preoccupied with policies, polls, and
media spin and are more focused on groceries, mortgages, weekends in the park,
and getting the kids to school.
The book celebrates the rivers, the
village of Cumberland, the Ritz restaurant, the Canal, the universities, the
bilingual ambiance, the Chateau Laurier, the museums, and the enlightened part
of Parliament, the Library. Even the slipping in springtime dog dung story
speaks to quintessential Ottawa. As I mentioned in reference to Leary, after thirty-one years, I am
starting to see this town as my home and, like Terry’s protagonist Daniel
Addison, as the place where I fell in love. These other elements of The Best Laid Plans were also sitting
under my nose.
I am even looking more charitably upon
my life in the public service. In fact, when I read political theories that
talk of cynical operatives and policy idealists, I always think there is
something missing: the people who take those airy policies and make them real--the
civil servants. Like lots of things, governing flows from a formula of three
variables, but usually, politicos and journalists dismiss the latter group as
irrelevant or worse.
Terry Fallis was typically “liberal”
in portraying government officials in his novel, further ingratiating him to
me. Add to this Daniel Addison’s recurrent musing about “Canadian comedic
novels” and his desire to study writing, and you have the full picture and the
reason why I might have been more than mildly intrigued by this book.
So, while Terry Fallis may not want me
trailing along behind him as his embarrassing evil, humour-writing twin or
triplet, I hope he understands why I might do that.
Writing Exercise
My boss was a former cabinet minister, who, like Terry’s hero, (1) was a Ph.D. mechanical engineer and a university professor, (2) was keen about aerodynamics and tinkering in his shop with motors and machines, (3) is an expert in water systems and an advocate for the environment, (4) won his seat only to be thrust immediately into other campaigns when a minority government was brought down by a budget-related vote, and (5) made a memorable entry into the House. I worked for him from 1984–86.